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How much are 1976 Bicentennial quarters worth?

A lot of folks who ask about the value of 1976 Bicentennial quarters like to know more about the story behind these distinctive 1776-1976 coins. In this article, you will find: Most circulated copper-nickel 1976 quarters are worth face value. Proof and silver 1976 quarters are worth about $2 to $4 — sometimes even more.

Are all 1776-1976-s 40% silver Bicentennial dollar coins type 1?

Meanwhile, all 1776-1976-S 40% Silver Bicentennial Dollars made for distribution to the public carry the Type 1 design and represent the only issue among these dollar coins that were made in just the single variety.

How long did a Bicentennial quarter last?

Bicentennial quarters were made for 2 years and the U.S. Mint sold them in sets of other 1776-1976 Bicentennial coins. These collector sets of Bicentennial coins include the following: The 1976 half dollars and silver dollars can sometimes be bought from coin dealers, and may also be found at your local bank.

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